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Our Story

The See App Company is committed to making conscious awareness accessible to everyone through our innovative See App, a mobile app that delivers Non-Contemplative Meditation.™

‘See’ is our flagship product, a non-religious but wholly God-centric meditation app designed to connect users with their Creator as they practice conscious awareness.

We are sure that consciousness helps people manage stress effectively, sleep better and to live happier, healthier, longer lives, free from the negative effects of anger, resentment, and fear. Consistent users of the See App also experience heightened mental focus and increased productivity.

We believe that conscious awareness is essential to the future of humankind and key to achieving a healthier and more fulfilling life. We offer an affordable product that delivers meditation backed by science, while remaining primarily committed to the essential spiritual element, God-Consciousness.

  • Daniel J Schwarzhoff

    Daniel J Schwarzhoff

    Meditation Architect, CEO

    Meet Dan, the CEO of The See App Company. He is also the chief architect and narrator of the Non-Contemplative Meditation exercises found in the app.

    More than six decades ago, Dan stumbled upon conscious awareness as a way to deal with childhood stress, anger, and trauma—and he's been devoted the to developing and practicing that ever since. It's allowed him to conquer many of life's mental, physical, and emotional challenges along the way.

    In the early 2000s, Dan introduced Non-Contemplative Meditation to recovery communities, and from there, his reach has expanded globally, assisting people with many different issues and personal goals.

    Dan's mission is to impact lives and guide others towards spiritual awakening and ongoing conscious awareness, helping them find God within. Not one to impose rules or others, Dan finds fulfillment in helping people discover truth for themselves.

    His own journey has been one of self and God discovery, overcoming challenges like poverty, being raised in a violent, single parent home, addictions to alcohol, sugar, nicotine, and drugs.

    Additionally, he has successfully battled depression, anxiety, and ADD, finding healing for both his body and mind through the power of conscious awareness.

    Dan's approach to Christian faith and values stays clear of religious dogma, eschewing organized religion or brick-and-mortar churches. He does find value in the testimonies to truth found in the New and Old Testaments.

    Dan's diverse background in finance, publishing, and international trade provides him with a unique perspective that integrates practical experience with the metaphysics and spirituality of human affairs. He's written two books on consciousness, meditation, and spiritual recovery.

    A native New Yorker, Dan now calls Cape Cod home, where he finds great joy in working, going to the beach, and boating adventures with his family.

  • Daniel J Schwarzhoff Jr.

    Daniel J Schwarzhoff Jr.

    Chief Technical Officer, President

    Meet Dan, the technical mind driving the See App's meditation sessions and app development. From self-taught skills, he pioneered building the See App.

    Dan's spiritual journey began early, as his father introduced him to Non-Contemplative Meditation at the age of eight. He credits his daily practice of self-awareness and God-consciousness with igniting and unleashing the boundless creativity and energy that drives him.

    After graduating from Princeton University, Dan's path led to an internship at the White House in Washington, D.C. But it was working together with his father that sparked the mission to share conscious awareness with the world, resulting in the innovative meditation app they named The See App.

    With a focus on empowering other young people to also discover personal growth and fulfillment, Dan's dedication to God-consciousness has been the cornerstone of his own personal and professional achievement.

    Born in Queens, NY, and raised on the scenic shores of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Dan is ready to revolutionize the way the world experiences meditation and inner growth.